Wastewater Services
For all water or wastewater enquiries please contact Council on (02) 6730 2300 (business hours) or 0418 162 794 (after hours).
Glen Innes
Glen Innes is served by an Intermittently Decanted Extended Aeration (IDEA) sewer treatment facility constructed in 2007, operating under EPA Licence Number 576. The treated effluent is disinfected by ultraviolet light before being released into the Furracabad Creek. Strict controls are placed on the quality of the treated effluent and the sample results are available on this web site.
Council is investigating the potential for beneficial reuse of this water on land adjacent to the treatment facility.
The mains network was constructed in 1930 and is in relatively poor condition. A rehabilitation program is in place involving camera inspection of the mains, replacement or relining based on condition of the main and the consequences of failure (location near waterways or schools etc.) Blockages of the network occur at times due to tree root ingress, stormwater ingress and foreign objects being placed in the system. If an overflow is observed, please advise Council and this will be responded to as a high priority.
Deepwater is served by a common effluent system whereby each property has its own septic tank, and the liquid effluent is collected in a common main rather than using the traditional absorption trench on site. A lagoon system is used to treat the effluent, which is then used on adjacent farmland for irrigation.
Sewer Strategic Business Plan
Council's Sewer Strategic Business Plan was revised in May 2012.
Read the Plan here: Sewer Strategic Business Plan(PDF, 368KB).
Pollution Incident Response Management Plan - Sewage System
This Plan was created in January 2012 by Council's Manager of Integrated Water and Sustainability Services and reviewed in 2020 by Council's Director of Infrastructure Services.
Read the Plan here: Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
Effluent Quality Management - Glen Innes
The Glen Innes sewer treatment facility discharges treated effluent to Furracabad Creek under EPA licence no. 576. A copy of this licence is available from the EPA website.
To view the latest effluent quality results for Glen Innes, please click here.